The Stichting Legaat Mr. Cornelis Mulock and Isabella Oostdijck originated from Mr. Will's written will. Cornelis Mulock, council, ships and mayor of Zierikzee, born in Zierikzee on April 1, 1708, and his wife Isabella Oostdijck, born in Zierikzee March 30, 1710. The will was passed on October 4, 1769 for notary Willem Houwer in Zierikzee. Isabella Oostdijck died in Zierikzee on October 25, 1771 and Mr. Cornelis Mulock on November 6, 1775 in Zierikzee. Their children had all died before October 4, 1769. The will was confirmed by the couple's death. The will contains among other things the following passage: "After the death of the longest surviving both of them from their common estate, the Witnesses legate or affect them, together they have a bond for the account of this provision, large in capital, two hundred pounds. int Jaer, omme from those needy and needy persons as (unexpectedly) in time and time may be found in their respective families ... "(Source: Articles of Association of 6/9/1999 and consideration of January 1956 of Mr. PJ de Kanter) This shows that the couple provided money for needy and distressed persons for their relatives and their descendants. That still happens. The managers have established rules for this. Look for that at the conditions of the foundation.